In this post we have brought a new collection of Friendship sms in English, If you are searching on google like’s that Best friend sms in english,friendship sms,sms for best friend,friendship sms in english for girl,best friend sms in english,then friends today I have brought related friendship sms with some similar keywords. I hope you like our best collection of Friendship sms in English.
Cute fact…
“Never think that
you are alone in this world,B’coz if you are alone you would not
received this message “
When Life Changes And We Go Our Separate Ways, U Will Still Be In My Heart Till My Dyin Dayz, I Tell No Lie This Is True, The World Has, Never Mind Seen A Friend Like U.
Life Ends When You Stop Dreaming, Hope Ends When You Stop Believing, Love Ends When You Stop Caring, And Friendship Ends When U Stop Sharing.
Friend Is Friend I Mean, She Is Our Favourite Girl. She Never Behaves Rudely, She Makes Us Feel Innocent, She Makes Us Far From Enemy, No, I Will Never Forget Her, I Am In Deep Love With Her. A True Friend Is Work Of Heart.
Weekly One Day Ho7liday,
Monthly One Day Salary Day,
Yearly One Day Birthday,
Lifely One Day Death Day,
But Sharing
Is Every Day
A scratch on any side will reflect on the other side too..
So always handle feelings carefully..
the scratch cant be removed..!
Best friend sms in english
Death is possible any time,
love is possible some time,
marriage is possible one time,
but real friend like you is possible once in a life time.
Life can give us a number of beautiful friends;
Only True Friends can give us a Beautiful Life.
Friend means:
F: Free from all formalities
R: Right to say anything
I: Ideal companion
E: Either good or bad
N: No sorry no thanks
D: Dear to dearest one
friendship sms
Friend and medicines play the same role in our lives,
Both take care of us in pain
But the only diff. is that frndship doesnt hav an expiry date…

24 sweet hours make 1 sweet day!
7 sweet days make 1 sweet week!
4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month!
But 1 sweet friend like YOU
Make my whole life sweet.
Heart Touching:
Once a frnd askd the other frnd
“wat would you do if i cheat u?”
then the other frnd replied Trust you is my decisn and proving me right is your choice?
sms for best friend
Love is not only made for lovers!
Its also made for
true frnds.
A true frnd can love more than
a lover.
this MSG dedicated to all my true & lovely frnds.
Only lovable friend
can feel your silent pain & will hold your hand
till you become Strong again…’Keep your true
friends always with you forever’.!!
Frndship is a Nice gift!
More clear than water
More pure than GOLD
More sweet than Honey
so thanks for SHARING the beautiful gift with me…

Night is lucky because moon is hers.
Sky is lucky because it has stars.
Rose is lucky because she is red.
I am lucky because you are my good friend
friendship sms in english for girl
Love is like a chewing gum,
it tastes only in the beginning!But friendship is like chocolate,
it tastes till it ends!
If You Are Angry with ur Loveable Friend
Just Put aside you Egos.
Just Hug Each Other nd Say:
I Need You Idiot, at least to Fight With Me
One true line about my frinds from my heart.
‘everyone is not my frind’ bt..’my frnds
are not just like everyone’.
They are very special to me&my life…

Words begin with…A….B…C…
Number begin with…1…2…3…
Music begin with…SA…RE…GA
FRIENDSHIP begins with..’ ‘You&Me’
best friend sms in english
Never Misuse The ONE
Who Likes YOU,
Never Say BUSY to the ONE
Who NEED you,
Never CHEAT the ONE
Never FORGET the ONE
Always try to spend few seconds with your friends even if you are busy;
Because one day you can get free time;
But not your friends back.
Treat your friends and your MONEY the same;
They both are hard to make and easy to lose.
friendship text message
Old friends are GOLD;
New friends are diamond;
If you get a diamond;
Don’t forget the GOLD;
Because to hold a diamond;
You always need a base of GOLD.
Happy Friendship Day.
A candle may melt
and its fire may die,
but the friendship you have given me
will always stay as a flame in my heart.
A Friendless Life Is Like A Flowerless Garden..
I Have A Beautiful Garden With A Wonderful Flower..
That Flower Is you My Dear Frnd..!
Look Outside its So Pleasant!
Sun Smiling for you !
Trees Dancing for you !
Birds Singing for you !
Because, I Asked Them All to Wish You
friend sms in english
During our friendship,
there will be times
you wont see me beside you,
don’t think I left you behind,
I just choose to walk behind you
so I can catch when you Fall.
a space
for mein your
& not
in ur mindthe mind
forgetsbut the heart
rememberslike now
I remembered you.
ms friendship,friends sms
Old friends are GOLD..!
New friends are
Diamond..!If you got diamond
don’t forget the GOLD,Because to hold a
diamond in a ring you
need a base of GOLD..!
To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U ALWAYS.
Never abandon old friends. They are hard 2 replace. Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER. Just like us… i get BETTER, u get OLDER.
Ur validity of being my friend is going 2 b expired today, plz recharge ur friendship immidetly by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool msgs. So hurry.
When somebody who’s deeply in love with you
tells you that you’re cute, beautiful, and angelic, I agree.
That’s true, believe me, I swear.
Cause love is blind!
special friend sms
Each day i meet some1 new,
But never find another u..
The world is full of ppl its true,
Yet no one ever equals a frnd lyk u..
May v b friends forever n ever..
May The Almighty blesses u n take u to heavens..
Live a blessd life..
Friend n medicines play d sme role in our lives,
Both take care of us in pain
But d only diff. is dat frndship doesnt hav an expiry date…

24 sweet hours make 1 sweet day!
7 sweet days make 1 sweet week!
4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month!
But 1 sweet friend like ‘U’
Make my whole life sweet.
friendship text messages
Heart Touching:
Once a frnd askd d othr frnd
‘wat wud u do if i cheat u?’
den d othr frnd replied Trust u is my decisn n proving me right is ur choice?
All relation we have are tie up with are birth, but only one relation in world is made by us, found by us, chosen by us, built by us, without anybdys recomnd and sugest, so frnd plz take care of your frnd for life time becoz its your own.
friendship is a lovely track travelled by two hearts…….
to care……….
to share………
to forgive…….
to say
“i’m always with u”…
two persons cannot be friends without constantly insulting eachother..!!
sms of friendship
A true friend sees
The first tear;
Catches the second;
And stops the third!
There is only a thread gap between love & friendship:
-Stealing heart with permission is friendship.
-Stealing heart without permission is love
Fake friends believe the rumors told about you, and judge you for them. Real friends hear the rumors told about you and defend you, knowing they’re not true.
Friends may be greater than relatives
Because relatives have blood relationship
But friends have heart relationship and
Heart provides blood to all

A nice Quote dedicate 2 u my spcl frnd –
hope u like it…
“I do not care when u disturb me…
I get disturbed when u dont disturb me
sweet friendship sms
Life is short bt its very difficult 2 spend alone,
We need som1 wid whom we can share our feelings,
And thats why we make frnds…
U r my sweet frnd….
F: Feeling of Love
R: Root of Joy
I: Island of Hope
E: End of Sufferings
N: Name of Trust
D: Door of Wisdom
L: Love
I: Imagination
F: Friend
E: Entertainment
LIFE will become a ‘LIE’ if there is no ‘F’ of Friend.
I like my EYES wen u look at it,
I like my NAME wen u call it,
I like my HEART wen u stay in it,
I love my LIFE wen great frnd like u is part of it..
friendship text in english
Tear’s of eyes r valuable.,……….
Speech of lips r powerfull…………
Heart with love is beautifull……………
Life with frnd like u………… the most
Girlfriend is Hot Water,
Lover is Mineral Water,
Wife is Corporation Water,
Relationship is Kaveri Water,
But “FRIENDSHIP” is pure Rain Water!
इन्हे भी पढ़ें :
100+ Friendship Day Quotes in English
Dear Sidewalk,
Please Get Wider…
Third Friend Walking Behind Feeling Excluded..!!!
English sms friendship
Knows All Your
Best Stories. . .But
Has Lived Them With
YOU . . .!!!
Best Friends’
Have Conversations
Impossible To Understand
By 0ther People …
n ThE Rhytm Of Life . . . We SumTime Finds OurSelves Out Of Tunes . . .
But As Long As There Are Friend Like U To Provide Melody . . .
Muzik Plays On .
Circle is free.
Love is very risk.
Friendship is fine.
Because, Water Has NoColour.,
And NoTaste…!
But it is More essential For Life.!
That’s Friendship.
Do you Know why 108 is used as Emergency numbr
F+r+i+e+n+d+s+h+i+p =
6+18+9+5+14+4+19+8+9+16=108Help in any situtation..
Tabhi to
Love friendship text messages
Friends r like stapler,
its easy to attach
difficult to remove
the worst is wen u remove it,
it leaves the paper damaged forever….
Making friends for the complete life is not important…But having a friend who fills up the incompleteness in your life is most important.
How does Lazy person like u
Take bath during winters :
Stands in front of mirror,
throws water on the mirror
n says
“Chak de Fatte, Aaj too naha he liya fir”
Friendship is not a word . Not a relationship . It is a silent promise, which says
“i was
”“i am”&“i will b”A Headache for u Forever…!