Insult SMS in English are a great way to express your anger and frustration towards someone who has wronged you. They can also be used to shut down a bully or put an annoying person in their place. With the advent of texting, insulting someone has become easier than ever before. You don’t have to confront the person face-to-face or engage in a verbal battle. You can simply send an insult SMS in English and be done with it.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next insult SMS in English, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best insult SMS in English that are sure to make your enemies cringe. From witty comebacks to savage one-liners, our collection has it all.
Also Read:- 55+ How to insult a guy and girl on text Messages
Insult SMS in English – Witty and Savage Messages for Your Enemies
Look the sun,feel power of god
Look the moon,feel beauty of god
Look the mirror,feel mistake of god
Miss u when sun is bright
Miss u when breez is cool
Miss u a lot
. Its not me u fool
Its d monkey in d ZOO.
think you are sitting in front of computer-what computer will think ? intel inside mental outside. think you are standing in front of a fridge- what will fridge think? cool inside fool outside.
Speaks For Itself,
Some People Aren’t Even
Worth The Little Bit Of
Energy It Takes To Raise It. . .
how to insult a girl on text |
At this very moment;
1 billion people are sleeping,
1 million people are eating,
1000 people are drinking,
100 people are playing
and 1 monkey is reading my sms.
She’s been engaged more times than a telephone switchboard!
Girl-Do u like me?
Boy-NO (girl got sad)
Boy-y r u sad?
Girl-Coz u dont like me:(
Boy-u never asked if i luv u?
Girl-Aww!Do u luv me?
insulting text messages | Insult SMS in English
When I See Your Face,
There’s Not A Thing
I Would Change. . .
Except The Direction
I Am Walking In .
Keep 1 MOnkey in your right side &
keep 1 MOnkey in your Left sideThen look into the mirrior
You will see extra 1 monkey in middle !!
Jus Try !
insulting text messages english |
All huMan beings have 5 senses.
In rare soMe have 6th senses.
But u r d special gift of GOD
Only u have 7th sense “NON-SENSE”
New Generation’s Way To Insult..
A Boy To A Rude Gal
If I Ever Wanted To Commit Suicide..
I Will Jump From Your Ego Level…
ink is red,sky is blue,a friend like u, should be kept in zoo.
dont get angry,u will find me too
not in a cage but laughing at u.
An insult……
Boy:- I like your teeth very much.
Grl (smiled n said) oh really! why?
Boy: coz “Yellow” is my favourite color.
insult sms for attitude girl
Rahul Mahajan’s status on Facebook.
Give me some sunshine,
Give me some rain,
Now give me another wife,
That I can beat up once again !
Ultimate insult..
I Iove your smile becoz..
My favorite colour is “YELLOW”!!
Winter comes again and again. Summer comes again and again, but a person like u never comes again and again because God never makes a mistake again and again.
Dear i want 2 ask u 1 thing. Dis is my long time qustn since i strtd talkin 2u. Ans me sincerely.Dnt get angry pls U look like monkey or monkey look like u;-) said na dont get angry…!
insult message to my girlfriend
cell phone emits dangerous radiations which causes brain cancer ..!!
How lucky u r?..!
?No Brain?
?No Tension?
Sweet in your speech……
Purity in your heart …….
Peace in your eyes …….
Strength in your hands ….
But why clay in your head?
My eyes detected
My heart reacted
Thousand were rejected &
Only you were selected.
.Because I needed a monkey
for an advertisement.
insult messages for him
U have a brain disease. Your brain is in 2 parts, left and right. Left brain has nothing right in it and right brain has nothing left in it.
an i Have a pictures of yours?
.actually, The thing is that i have started a new hobby.
collecting photography of “natural disaster”
I have lots of jokes in my inbox,
But I can’t send you all of them,
It will take a lot of time,
So I’m sending you just 1 joke
“You are so beautiful”……….
how to insult a boy on text
Why do U think I SMS u ?
Is it because I care ? Or I miss u ?
Or I love u ? Or I need You ? No ! It’s b’coz…
I need a person for just time pass….
Think u r sitting in front of computer,
what will computer think…?
.‘Intel inside…,
‘mental outside..’
Yash Johar is producing a new film & is searching 4 new talent. I’ve suggested ur name. Pls go & meet him. The movie’s name is “AQAL HO NA HO”
Why do U think I SMS u ?
Is it because I care ? Or I miss u ?
Or I love u ? Or I need You ? No ! It’s b’coz…
I need a person for just time pass
Life’s like a movie!
If u r sad- DRAMA,
If u r afraid- SUSPENSE,
If u r angry- ACTION,
If u look in mirror- COMEDY!
Now u r smiling!
That’s- HORROR!!
Sleeping duration
For women 5 hrs
For men 6 hrs
For children 7 hrs
For monkey 8 hrs
Hello my dear u r 8 hrs is over get up
insult message for girl in english
I read a news that due 2 thunder a monkey is injured. If u r safe SMS me.
I have lots of jokes in my inbox,
But I can’t send you all of them,
It will take a lot of time,
So I’m sending you just 1 joke
“You are so beautiful”
touch ur heart, u will feel the rhythm of ur heartbeat.
touch ur head u will feel the rhythm of empty pot.tin…tin..
Scientific Question For U.. How Does Blood Reach Ur Brain,,.. Simple.. Direction Of Liquid Is Always Towards The EMPTY SPACE.. HaHaHa
Today i saw a person
looking exacly like you.
I accidently called ur name.
But that person therw away the banana and jumped on another tree.R U Twins ????
insult text message
Close ur eyes n think about yourself,
ur face
ur style
ur nature
ur smile
ur looks
Now open your eyes
Free main HORROR film
One MMS recieved
Name: Video Clip
Time: 2 Mins 35 Seconds
Starting now…
Mobile ki auqaat dekhi hai? Video dekhay ga
Do you want to go to USA
Here’s a chance for you
Mr Obama is waiting for you
To be in white house
Get ready
He’s in search of a dog
For his daughter!
do u remembr ur childhod? wen u went to a toy shop nd asked shopkeper-Ancle hw much cost of dat monkey?…nd shop keper rply-that is a mirror my child..
Dinosar+Forest=Jurasic park
U+ur smile=The mummy returns
21st Century Is Truly LIFELESS:
Communication: WIRELESS
Ill ask a que U should answer only by saying yes or no.Here is the que… Do ur parents know that u r a mental patient???
Plz Dont Neglect This
MsgA Poor Boy
Suffering Frm Mental
Disorder Needs Shock
Plz Send Ur Photo
So That
He Gets The
which is the painful way of death? Poison, Murder, Accident!, Tsunami!!! DOnt worry. its simple very very simple. ”ur smile”. Good evening.
A Bf Brought Present 4 His GF
GF(After Opening)
What D Hell Wud I Do Wid Dis Diwali Rocket ?
BF : U Wanted Stars Na?
Now Sit On It N Get Lost!!
Look who’s talking – I bet when you go to the zoo you have to buy two tickets: one to get in and another to get out.