Latest Romantic Love Sms in English, Swwet Love Messages for Lovers

Latest Romantic Love Sms in English, Swwet Love Messages for Lovers Romantic Love Sms in English

There may be a million things to smile about, but
you are definitely my favorite one…..!!

What is the most Peaceful Romantic Moment?
Its when your Lover is sleeping
You are watching her innocent face with Love..

It Is Not Important That
I’m Beautiful To U..

It Is Beautiful That I’m
Important To U..

U Are The Most Beautiful Thing That Ever Happened To Me..

Boy: Let’s watch a movie

Girl: Ok.. What movie?

Boy: A horror movie, the grudge

Girl: Ummmm…. ok

*After Movie*

Girl: I noticed… you were watching me most of the time

Boy: *laughs* I watched the movie yesterday

Girl: what……
Boy: I just wanted to hug you and protect you.

Liking you is my nature
Missing you is my disappointment
Fighting with you is my Time pass…
Forgetting you is never in my life time.

Heart is like a crystal, preserve it.
Love is like perfume, spread it.
Feelings are like flood, flow it.
Friendship is like an umbrella,
Come lets share it.

If you see a shooting star,
Close your eyes and make a wish
It worked for me,
I wished for you!

I’m sory to be smiling every time you are near.
I’m sory my eyes twinkle whenever u are here.
I’m sory that cupid haz made his hit.
I’m sory i luv u
I cant help it.

Someday u’ll forget me…
My name, my voice,
And who I am to you.
But even if you forget me,
Just want u to know that
I will never forget how much you mean to me.

You may have someone in your mind
And someone in your heart,
You may have someone in your dream
And someone in your life,
But I am your someone when you have no one…

A Great Saying: I Love Photos because the best thing about them is
That they never change even the people in them get changed.

Being near is not always the meaning of being dear…
I may be far from U,
But my massages are bridges to make you feel
That I Always With You.
Take Care!

If They Miss You, They’ll Call You.
If They Want You, They’ll Tell You.
If They Care, They’ll Show You.
If Not, They’re Not Worth Your Time
You’re Obviously Not Worth Theirs.. !

When Someone Gets Angry With You
And Says…
I Will Never Talk To You…
And Later Comes Back To Inform

Never get tired of doing little things to others,
bcoz sometimes those little things may mean so much to them.
That is why I wont get tired of sending my little Hiii to you.

If you drop me, I’ll break.
If you hold me, I’ll shake. If you need me, I’ll hurry.
If you don’t call me, I’ll worry. If you hurt me, I’ll cry.
But if you leave me, I’ll die

The mind is like a clock
That is constantly running down …
It has to be wound
Up daily with good thoughts …

Don’t go through life,
Grow through life

All the right things are not always possible
and all the possible things are not always right.
so, be true to both your mind and heart
then you will never go wrong.

Vacancy available
Post=true friend
Ability=(loving n caring)
Experience=(not required)
Duty=(2 sms daily)
Salary=(never ending love)
2 apply..
Send a sweet sms Please.

Government imposing new taxes.

Dating Rs.10, Hug Rs.20, Kiss Rs.30,

Love Rs.50. But you don’t worry, flirting is still free

Dating is just awkward moments and one person wants more than the other.
It’s just that constant strangeness.
I think it’s a very real thing.

If many people care for you,
one of them would be me,
if only one person cares for you that would be me again,
if no one cares for u that means i’m not in this world.
Take Care of you dear..

True care cannot be expressed in words,
it can be expressed only through possessiveness and anger when you get close to others..
Take Care Dear

Before YOU came in my life,
i just need Food, Water & Oxygen to live.
But now including these,
i need 2 more things to be alive.
They are YOUR LOVE & CARE!!!

Care is sweetest form of love.when someone says take care it really
means that you will stay in their heart till its last beat.
So Take Care of yourself always………..

A Very Good RelationShip
Needs Just Two Things..
A ‘LITTLE TIME’ To Be Spent With Them..
A ‘TRUE CARE’ To Be Shown Always….

Without You Life Is Black Not White
Without You The World Has No Hope No Light
Without You I Can’t Go Left Or Right
Without You I Lose my Sight
Thank You My Dear
I Love You

At This Propose Day …
I Am Opening,
An Emotional Bank Account,
That is Only For You Sweetheart,
So .. Deposit Your All Love In It,
& You Will Get The Interest Be My Valentine.

If..?? Roses were Black & violets were brown,
My love for “YOU” would never be found .!!
But “Roses” are red & violets are blue…
All I want to say Just is..!!!
I LOVE “YOU” So Happy Propose Day..

In this whole world you are just somebody,
& for somebody you are the whole world….
That stupid somebody is me.???
I love you so somebody…
Happy Propose Day this somebody..

The Best Thing In Life Is Having A
Loving Partner In Your Life.
Who Won’t Walk Away In your Darkest Moments.
And Loves You Exclusively.

Love Is When Someone Hurts You,
You Don’t Hurt Back,
When Someone Shouts At You,
You Don’t Shout Back,
But ,
When Someone Needs You,
You Always Come Back..!!

Even If I Search The Whole Universe,
I Won’t Find A More Loving And Caring Person.
I Feel Happy And Contented In Your Presence And
I Cherish Your Presence In My Life.

Hold Me In Your Arms And Never Let Me Go;
Kiss Me On My Lips, Very Sweetly And Slow;
Show Your Love If You Have The Feelings For Me;
Let Me Share That My Love Is Only For You!

Care and Love Is Not A Business.
Where You Give When You Get.
It Is A Beautiful Feeling For Someone.
Where you Love To Give Even If you Dont Get.

I Always Lose Control When You By My Side.
You Have Bcom The Light Of My Life.
I Always Enjoy The Time I Spend With You.
I Think I’m Falling In Love With You!

I’m Not your Heart But I Miss You
I’m Not your Family But I Care For you
I’m Not your Blood But I’m Ready To Share your Pain..
I Love You…!

I Love you With My Heart And My Soul
I Know you Dont Believe In Me..
Trust Me
My Love Is Deep
My Love Is True
It Will Never Fade..!

There Is No Place I Would Want To Be
Except For Where you Are Close To Me..
You Make My Heart Smile Even,
When you Stay Just For A While.!

I Trust You
Is A Better Compliment
Than I Love You
Because You May Not Always
Trust The Person You Love
But You Can Always
Love The Person You Trust.

When a very sweet & close person goes to far away from us,
we may say or not say,
but our heart says to their heart-

I Have Decided To Stay Quiet
When You Hurt Me!

Because If I Hurt You Back
Eventually It Is Gonna Hurt Me
More Than You!

Some people hurt by words & some by action…
But the biggest hurt i believe is
that someone ignoring you
when you value them bigger than anything else!

I believe that God above created you for me to luv.

he picked you out from all the rest bcos he knew i luv you the best!

People will trow stones in your way,

but it depends on you that you want to make a wall or bridge from those stones .

If you do not Understand My Silence,

You Will not Understand My Words

It takes half our life to find true friends and half of it keeping them.
I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you and wish to spend the rest keeping you.

Its not your mistake If you Can’t read which cheat you!

But its really your mistake if you can’t read eyes which care for you.”

A butterfly lives only 14 days
But still it flies joyfully
Capturing many hearts
Each moment in life is precious,,,,

Dont hide up feelings for someone special……
bcoz 1 day when you realize to express
your feelings to them that special one
may be special to someone else.

I like 3 friends,
Sun – Moon – & You.
Sun – For the day time.
Moon – For the night time.
You – For the lifetime.

Girl: Can I Hold Your Hand?
Boy: No”
Girl: Why?
Boy: Because It Will Hurt Too Much When You Let It Go.

I Will Remember Her
Not As The One Who Broke My Heart,
But As The One Who Taught Me How To Love.

A face can speak 1000 emotions
But it can easily mask what the heart truly feels,
Don’t be fooled by the happiest face.
It may be masking the most hurting heart.

Before you came in my life,
i just need Food, Water & Oxygen to live.
But now including these, i need 2 more things to be alive.
They are your Love & Care!!!

True care cannot be expressed in words,
It can be expressed only through possessiveness and anger
When you get close to others.. .
Take Care Dear.

Never ignore a person
Who waits for you
Care for you
And believes you
Because one day you may wake up
And realize that you have lost the best friend of your life.

U make 10 friends,
Laugh with 9,
Meet 8 of them,
Talk to 7,
Celebrate with 6,
Share secrets with 5,
Trust 4, Cry wid 3,
Take help of 2,
But never forget 1 like me.

Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Triangle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
But Circle of our friendship has no end…

Human Nature: ‘We are very good lawyers for our mistakes.
And very good judge for other’s mistakes.”

Unless u speak from heart,
U can’t touch anyones’s heart”
‘If U have choice,
Choose the BEST but..
If u have no choice.
Do the BEST”

There is no value of what you did in past,
Show your best part today.
Everyone wants to read today’s newspaper
Because yesterday’s newspaper is waste paper.

Nothing is impossible in world
Because the word “I’MPOSSIBLE” says i’ m possible
So be confident and put your best in whatever you do.

My Eyes are eager to see you,
My ears are eager to listen u,
My lips are eager to kiss u,
And my dreams in night are eager to welcome you.

Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you.

I have a heart ann that is true,
But now it has
gone from me to you,
So care for it just like i do,
B’COZ i have no
heart and you have two.

If I reached for your hand , will you hold it ?
If I hold out my arms, will you hug me ?
If I go for your lips, will you kiss me ?
If I capture you heart , will you love me ?
and if I propose you, will you marry me?

Excuse me, do you have a band aid?
because i scrapped my knee
when I fell in love with you.

Set a place for me in your heart

and not in your mind for the mind

easily forgets but the heart always remembers.

I love you.

Think Big.
Think Positive.
Think Smart.
Think Beautiful.
Think Great.
I know, that is too much for you,
so here is a shortcut.

You may think that I forgot you.
You may think that I
don’t care, and you may think that I’m
not thinking of you.
Well, you’re wrong.
You’re still in My Dreams.

I’ve been thinking about you
and me..if we were alone
how it would be..I would kiss you all over till
your feeling hot..then give you a sensation
when I hit the spot!

Feeling of Love
Moment of Caring
Small Small Sharing
Stupid Fights
Shoulder To Cry
To Be Together In Pain
Most Beautiful Thing Called “LOVE”
I MISS YOU………………………..

I like 3 friends, Sun – Moon – & You.

Sun – For the day time.

Moon – For the night time.

You – For the lifetime

Never reject anybody in your life because;

Good person gives us happiness &

Bad person gives us experience.

Both are essential for life

Some love one
some love two
but i love one
that is only you !!

To love some one doesn’t mean to force a commitment…
sometime u just have to be satisfied with whatever connection u have, as long as it stays……..

Love is not a decision…..
its a Magical feeling….
We never decide whom to love….
it just happens with the one u never except to fall
ing love ….