Heart touching love sms in English:- Hello friends welcome to www.anilganvit.in’s new Status and Hindi Shayari Collection. Friends, in this post we have brought a new collection of Heart Touching SMS in English If you are searching on google like’s that heart touching love sms in english,heart touching sms in english,heart touching sms,heart touching sms for gf in english,heart msg in english,heart touching love in english,latest sms in english,then friends today I have brought heart touching sms with some similar keywords. I hope you like our best collection of Heart Touching SMS in English |
I miss the way things used to be;when you would say “I Love You”
and then smile at me like i was the
only thing that ever meant anything to You,
“What is true girl friend and boy friend ?
True Girl should care her
Boyfriend Like her Child…
A True Boy should value his
Girlfriend Like his Mom…
No Boy can hurt his mom…
No Girl can Love Someone more then her own Child”” …
These lines are amazing and so meaning full….
Very very heart touching…..
In a battle,a soldier went to bring his wounded friend back from field.
His Captain said,
“Its of No use! ur friend must be dead”.
But soldier still goes &brings back his friend.
Seeing dead body, Captain says “I told u its of no worth. He’s dead”.
The soldier replies: “No sir,it was really worth. When I got to him,
my friend saw me, smiled& said his last words: “I KNEW U’ll COME”
Dedicated to all Great friends
Heart touching love sms in English
“Love comes to those who still hope although they’ve been disappointed,to those who still believe although they’ve been betrayed,
to those who still love although they’ve been hurt before.”
Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break
into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in
my life’s journey we became FRIENDS!
Whenever I MISS U,
I won’t look 4 u in my
dreams or try 2 hear ur
Voice in ur sms/msgs.
I just put my right
hand across my chest
and feel U.

I am so fortunate to have you in my life and so your Birthday is extra special for me. Happy Birthday to my heartbeat!
If There Was A Shop Of Happinesss
And If I knew about it
I would buy every happiness for you
Even if my life be the price of it
I have liked many but loved very few.
Yet no-one has been as sweet as u.
I’d stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.
Just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
Heart touching sms in english
Allow Me To Whisper.
No Matter Who I Am Thinking,
My Heart Will Always And
Only Stunned To You.
Never Forget Me
You Are The Best
When I see the stars on a clear nightIt reminds me of all the reasons yougive me to smile.
There is no time for me to tell my love
There is no need for you to tell your love
There is no words to describe our love
The truth will never be hidden even if its hidden
If I have To Choose Between,Loving you and Breathing..I will Choose My Last Breath To SayI Love you very much
Never break anyone’s heart,
While breaking heart of others
Think first what will happen
When someone will break your heart

I don’t want 2 just be ur friend
My feelings are too deep
Remember always
My heart is forever yours to keep.
heart touching sms
Tackle life with all ur skills
Overcome each and every hill
If u persist with all ur will
U will enjoy ur life and all its thrill’s.
Love your parentsand treat themwith loving care…For you willonly knowtheir valuewhen you seetheir empty chair…
A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a
place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest,
a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.
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Love Breakup Status,Quotes and images in English
Broken heart shayari 2 lines in English
When I got enough confidence,
The stage was gone.
When I was sure of losing,
I won.
When I needed people the most,
They left me.
When I learnt to dry my tears,
I found a shoulder to cry on.
When I mastered the skill of hating,
Somebody started loving me.
That’s Life!!!!
Always different than we guess
Heart touching sms for gf in english
A Heart Beat Is Excited More
When Eyes Start Looking At Someone Silently…
Life Seems To Be More Exciting
When Someone Start Reading Those Eyes Silently.. !
You are so humble and caring,With you,it is a great sharing,The best life partner that I could ask is you,Thanks for being the best hubby, a very special thank you!
True frnds r like upper n lower eyelieds.
They often meet bcoz they miss each other,
Bt when they meet they don’t see d world around dat’s frndship…
Two sweet words difficult to say in life:
1. “Hi” for the FIRST time to unknown person.
2. “Bye” for the LAST time to loved ones.
Make a mind which never Minds..
Make a heart which never Hurts..
Make a touch which never Pains..&
Make a relation which never Ends..
heart msg in english
Whenever I MISS U,
I won’t look 4 u in my
dreams or try 2 hear ur
Voice in ur sms/msgs.
I just put my right
hand across my chest
and feel U.
Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most
beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something
powerful, a gift of great value!
Maybe … giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they will
love you back. Don’t expect love in
return; just wait for it to grow in
their heart.
heart touching msg in english
They Remain In Heart Beats
Distances are Not a Matter,
When the Memories are sweet.
Special people are never forgotten,
Because they remain in Heart Beats
A heart breaking
isn’t always as loud
as a bomb exploding
Sometimes it can b as
quiet as a feather falling
The most painful thing is,
no one really hears it
except U
Never break anyone’s heart,
While breaking heart of others
Think first what will happen
When someone will break your heart
Not every bird can dance ,
peacock did that,
Not every flower can represent LOVE,
Rose did that,
Not every friend can reach up the HEART,
U did that…
Like us;
Heart touching love in english
My simple attitude:
I’m not single and I’m not committed..
I’m simply on reserve
for d one who deserves..!
Value of relation?
is not that how much U feel happy with some one . .
But it is that
how much some one feels ALONE without U.
I see U there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
tat I like 2 see.
U say “close ur eyes”,
“tell me what u see”,
I see only 2 people,
just U & Me
Here is my heart, it is yours so take it,
Treat it gently, please do not break it.
Its full of love that’s good and true,
So please keep it always close to u.
May be I am not an important person in your life.
But one day when you hear my name you would just smile and say, ” I had a friend in this name”. Thats enough for me…
sms heart touching
A little difference between PROMISES and MEMORIES…
PROMISES- …We break them!
MEMORIES- They break us.!
Its true.
A Heart Touching Fight-
GIRL- “I want to end our Relationship.
I m going to return evrything u gav me”
BOY- “Ok… then, Let’s Start wid
Hugs & Kisses….
As the day gives way to night
i miss you having by my side
my heart is singing the song to say
i’ve been missing you more than
words can say.
Live life one day at a time,
Share it with the people who matter most to you,
Fill it with people worth remembering !!!
heart touching msg english
When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you,
When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you,
When I first liked you I was afraid to love you,
Now that I love you I’m afraid to lose you.
When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you,
When I first liked you I was afraid to love you,
Now that I love you I’m afraid to lose you.
One thing to be remembered in life….
Keep things in heart which hurts other….
But never try to hurt someone by keep in your heart…!!
Ans : “TEAR” ..It is made of
1 % water
99 % feelings…!!
Don’t waste it..!!
Loveing someone deeply is like trying to touch a star. If you can’t touch, keep trying…
If your love is true, one fine day that star will fall on earth for you.
I may not see you daily;
I may not hear your voice daily.
But with a simple touch of your fingures through your mobile your uplift my spirit and warm my Heart…
When God opened the window of the Heaven He asked me:
What is your wish for today? “I said : please take
special care of the person reading this!!!!!!!”
Heart touching love messages in english
If kisses were water, I will give you sea. If hugs were
leaves, I will give you a tree.If you love a planet, I will
give you a galaxy, if friendship is life I will give you.
Lips do not join when we say LOVE..
That is “Sign of distance”
But lips join together when we say FRIENDSHIP..
That is “Sign of togetherness”
Never pray for an easier life,
Pray to be a stronger person.
Never pray for tasks equal to
your power but for power equal to
conquer your tasks!

Respect the emotions in someone’s heart,
Rather than d expressions on someone’s face.
Becuase, expression is just the formality, but emotions are the reality.
“Attraction is the temporary love”. but “love is d permanent attraction”.
Just a game of words but makes lot of difference in life.
Good morning.
best heart touching messages
Excellent Attitude..
“I am not saying that I am Special…
I am just one of God’s Limited Editions..!!!
A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a
place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest,
a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is you
sweet heart touching love messages for her
Love Message Of The Day:
Our Heart Is The Best Hypocrite In The World..!
We Think It Beats For Us Inside But It Beats For Someone Else Who Is Inside It
“My heart is a red rose. When happy, it
sparkles brilliantly. When sad it bleeds and
forms a dark puddle under it. When my heart
dies, the soft fragile petals fall. So you
might want to put your rose in a vase.”

Here is my heart, it is yours so take it,
Treat it gently, please do not break it.
Its full of love that’s good and true,
So please keep it always close to you.
purity of affection between you and me is not about smiling after reading the forwarded messages…
Its about smiling just by seeing the name.
Girls fall in love with boys who have the ability to make them smile..
boys fall in love with girls who have the ability to make them cry..
most touching love messages for girlfriend
Good nature can win many Relationships but only GOOD HEART can sustain those relationships Lifelong..wish you Lifelong..Wish you Lifelong best Heart..
Feel good when somebody Miss you. Feel better when
somebody Loves you. But feel best when somebody never
forgets you.
Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in
heaven know I need u. years may fly, tears may dry,
but my friendship with you will never die.
A Heart Touching Fight-
GIRL- “I want to end our Relationship.
I m going to return evrything u gave me”
BOY- “Ok… then, Let’s Start with
Hugs & Kisses….